Handbags are one of those accessories that you just can't live without. They can make your outfit, add a little something extra, and bonus allow you to carry everything you need for the day or night. When shopping handbags are always the one thing you can count on, they won't be too tight or too long or need a zipper adjustment. They are perfect just the way they are, waiting for you to pick them out and style them accordingly.
When it comes to myself and handbags, I am definitely a tote girl and tend to keep way too much in my everyday bag. People at work joke that it resembles Mary Poppin's bag in the sense that if you need something, I generally will have it. When it comes to going out at night however, I am just the opposite and prefer just to carry a clutch with the basics.
Ever since I saw a Goyard bag on Pinterest a few years ago I have been completely smitten. I love the material they are made out of and their chic pattern. While I don't currently own one, I thought it would be fun to pretend I did and fill it with what I do own in my real bag. One of my favorite accessories is my Hobo wallet, a gift from my best friend a years ago for my birthday. I absolutely love it and sometimes will just go out with that and nothing else due to the fact that its large enough to fit my phone and keys in the side pockets. I'm also someone that has to have their planners on them all times. It's filled with important dates, reminders, addresses, to do lists, and I'm pretty sure I would feel lost without it. Other basics include my phone (iphone 5c), charger, Kind bar (or almonds), sunnies, and Burts Bees (my favorite chapstick.) On any given day you could also find a number of things include Advil, water bottle, tide pen, or random receipts.
Nights out are much simpler and call for a clutch, card/money holder, lipstick, and external phone charger. When I'm out with friends the last thing I want to do is carry around a big purse or worry about my phone dying. The GiGi Uber clutch is perfect in that its small enough to fit under your arm but large enough to fit what you need for the night. Bonus that they have sales all the time and you can include your monogram.
Ruelala currently has a great handbag guide that you can check out here. This would be great to check out before you head out on your next shopping trip to see exactly what kind of handbag you are looking for for various occasions. I definitely tend to be a "tote" kind of girl but loved all the different looks featured on the guide.
Of course I couldn't be on Ruelala without checkout out the current deals and to my luck found a few great Kate Spade and Coach bags ! Head on over to Ruelala to check out the currently deals and steals!
What type of handbag do you prefer?
Yours truly,
Emily Ann
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