I recently saw this survey posted by 2 of my favorite bloggers- Claire over at
Fitting It All In and Courtney from
Sweet Tooth Sweet Life. I couldn't help but want to join in on the fun and complete the survey myself!
1. Run/ workout in the heat and humidity or freezing cold temps and snow?
I am someone who hates feeling either extremes of temperatures! However when it comes to working out, I am far more likely to workout in the heat then I am in the freezing cold. While I don't enjoy the super hot temperatures and it can often cut some of my runs short- I can't imagine working out in the freezing cold. Normally in the winter its hard for my muscles to loosen up as is, let alone forcing them to run and workout. One of my favorite workouts of all time is hot yoga, which requires you to be comfortable in scorching temps while holding various positions and pushing your body.
2. Washboard abs or flat abs?
Having abs in general would be lovely if neither of the above are an option. Kidding! I would definitely go with flat abs. I've always been fortunate to never have too much of a tummy, I do however have a lovely set of lovehandles that no matter I do... they aint movin.
3. Dr. Oz or The Doctors
Being that I am only familiar with Dr. Oz, I feel like I have to say him. I have never watched the show The Doctors but do love when I am able to catch Dr. Oz and love reading his online articles
4. Cardio or Strength?
This is such a toughie! I absolutely love cardio and the way I feel after a super sweaty workout but I also love the feeling of being sore the day after a good of weights. Classes like body pump and kickboxing are great because they really combine the two and leave me both sore the next day but also fully sweaty and feeling exhausted.
5. Protein or carbs?
Ever since a few months ago when I did a bit of a diet overhaul, I really don't have cravings too often. I also cut back my portion of carbs by a lot and now really only eat carbs in the form of rolled oats, sweet potatoes, pita pockets, or the occasional Kind bar. Protein wise- I eat a lot of tofu, black beans, and quinoa and find myself wanting these things as opposed to pasta or bread.
One of my favorite meals- tofu, brown rice, and lots of veggies!
6. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper
I'm not too big a fan of either- while I don't dislike them, I also don't find myself looking to them in the form of inspiration or when I need a new workout. Often times when I find myself in a slump or wanting to try something new, I'll look through some of my favorite healthy living blogs.
7. Frozen yogurt or Ice cream?
This is such a toughie- I love going to places to get froya and picking out the various toppings but there is nothing I love more then digging into a new pint of ice cream. I've heard so much about Ben & Jerry's new banana frozen yogurt with peanut butter swirls- I cant wait to try it out!
8. To train- Upper or Lower body.
Definitely upper body. My legs have never been an issue other then when it comes to the occasional shin splints. However, my upper body is something I am always continuing to work on and develop. I feel like no matter how many arm exercises I do and new things I try... nothing ever makes a dent into shaping my arms.
There is no denying Michelle and her amazing toned arms- first lady AND makes time for guns of steel
9. Protein powder or food with protein?
I only use protein powder occasionally if I have it and only when I make my protein pancakes. Other then that because of my meatless diet I try to incorporate a lot of foods that are high in protein content. This not only helps give me energy throughout the day but also helps me stay full longer.
Every once in awhile I pick up a few of these Whey Protein packs at Whole Foods
10. Lunges or Squats
Definitely squats. Sometimes when I am doing lunges I loose my footing or forget what legs I've done first or which foot started out first. Squats are easy and can be modified a few different ways- sumo squat, jumping squat, and single leg squat are a few of my favorites.
11. Sweet or salty
I think I'm going to have to go with salty, which is weird because I rarely add salt to any of my meals but I would much rather have fries then a piece of chocolate cake... crazy I know.
12. Workout attire- Cute or comfy?
Definitely a combination of both- I love feeling cute while I workout but it is essential I be comfortable! There is nothing worse then trying to get get through a workout but having to adjust and readjust various outfit pieces. Lately I have been LOVING Gap's workout line
13. Body pump or heavy lifting?
I'm new to body pump but I definitely love the sore feeling I am left with the following 2 days. It makes me feel like I have actually accomplished something and leaves me wanting to improve and add to my weight sets.
14. Yoga or Pilates?
Yoga! I love doing yoga after a few days of intense working out in a row- it leaves me feeling rested and with a peaceful frame of mind. Pilates is definitely something I would love to get into more but for now, yoga is a favorite!
15. Nike or Adidas?
16. Running on the treadmill or outdoors?
If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago, I easily would have said running a treadmill. However within the past week I have been stepping up my running game and started running outside. Although it has been super hot out, I have still enjoyed running around my neighborhood and the feeling of being outdoors.
17. Whole Foods or Trader Joes?
I visit both of these places when I do my grocery shopping! Most of what I get comes from TJs because I don't think I could afford to do all my shopping at Whole Foods but I do loving going there to pick up a few things every now and then. Whole Food's salad bar is also one of my favorite things to treat myself to!
18. Summer or Winter Olympics?
Summer! Having swam competitively for most of my life, I love getting sucked into the different events and watching the amazing display of talents!
19. Roasted or Steamed veggies?
Roasted! I love how much more flavor you can taste when you roast a variety of veggies together!
Which of these things do you prefer in your healthy lifestyle?
Yours truly,