Thursday, March 22, 2012

Major Updates...

Hello dears, where to even begin on the updates...

1. I have started a new workout regiment, the Drop 10 Challenge
If you are familiar with these two women from Tone It up you know that these workouts are amazing! The diet and workout are very easy to follow and I have been loving it since I started on Monday. I highly recommend you check it out! One of my favorite things is that an email is sent to you everyday that gives you your workout and meal plans for the following day... how awesome! It has been great getting off work and already knowing exactly what I am planning on doing rather then fumbling around wasting time. 

2. I am going to see the Hunger Games on Friday!
Having read all 3 books, I can't even begin to describe just how excited I am to see the movie! I'm even more excited that I'm going with one of my best friends, Ellen, who I am way over due for a catch up session.

3. I'm getting my hair cut... and no not just a trim. I've talked several times about how I would love to cut my hair but I just haven't been able to work up the guts to do it. Well dolls, I finally have and an appointment has been booked. Here are a couple of the pictures I am taking with me to show the stylist. 

I am extremely nervous and getting mixed reviews from my friends but would love to hear from those who have undergone a major hair cut and turned out to love it!

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Yours truly,



Kerry said...

Love the first pic for hair on you!! Reese is the bomb :)

Roots Out West said...

Whoa I feel like we are the same person right now. I too joined the drop 10 challenge...i am sadly not going to HG on Friday though, but have read the first book so far. I showed that same pic of Reese to my hair stylist last time I went...however, she knows I hate bangs when I cut them and wouldn't allow me to do it, and just did face framing layers instead. I want to see before and after pics!

Unknown said...

I love those haircuts! I actually took the Reese Witherspoon picture in awhile back so my stylist could see how I like my bangs. :) She always has the best hair!

Madilene Lake said...

Love that! I actually did the same thing and just got my haircut. it's so refreshing! I'm going to the Hunger Games tonight for the midnight premiere - I can't wait :)

Flip Flops on Fifth said...

cute blog! new follower :)