Monday, December 12, 2011

Starting today until Christmas...

Being that this semester I have been completing an internship off campus my schedule differs from those on campus. Rather then ending my semester with exams and being done the end of this week, I complete a final project and my last day of my internship is Dec. 23 (yes that's right, the day before Christmas Eve). Unfortunately I will not be home until Christmas Eve but, once I am home I am home for good! Over the next 12 days I am working 9... meaning I have a total of 3 days off... stressed would be an understatement. I am going to try my hardest to keep up with posting but please forgive me if a couple days go by. I am honestly just trying to survive the next 2 weeks and give my internship my all.

This past weekend I traveled to Greenville to see friends and attend Christmas Cocktail! I will most definitely be posting pictures at some point this week.

I would like to start this week off on a positive note and am sticking with the theme of Motivating Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Shannon Marie said...

This is great inspiration, as I sit here taking a break from my 10-page research paper. You can get through this busy time! Just think of how valuable you are- without you this project wouldn't get done.

Best of luck!

Steph said...

I remember the last few days of every semester being so stressful because I was always working and interning at the same time. Trust me when I say you can do it! And when you're through it, you will be so proud of your accomplishments!