Hello dolls! I am so so sorry that posting has been at an all time low but I promise if I had a computer to use regularly I would most definitely be posting as usual.
Here are a few updates as to what I have been up to!
1. Finishing up my internship! I can't even begin to put into words how thrilled I am to only have 2 more days left! I absolutely love the hospital I intern for and those I work with but after 5 months... I am ready to move on!
2. Hot Yoga- The other day I decided I was going to get back into a passion of mine that I have neglected since moving to Charlotte- hot yoga! My roommate and I found a great place that offers a class once or twice a day for only $5! The studio is beautiful and the teachers are amazing, and added bonus- at the end of the class you get an ice cold wet washcloth scented with lavender to cool off with. SOLD. I'm going again this afternoon and can not wait!
3. Christmas Shopping! I officially started my Christmas shopping today, a little late I know but better than never! Having worked as an unpaid intern for the past 5 months, to say my budget is rather tight would be an understatement.
This one of the items I got my mom- its a case covered in rolled up magazine pieces. It's really funky but so is my mom and I think she'll love it!
I hope everyone has a fabulous day!
OMG! Message me if you can with the name of that hot yoga place... that's a killer deal!
Its called Yoga One! Its right in Plaza Midwood, its great! I highly recommend it!
I love yoga! I just got certified =]
hot yoga sounds fun! ill have to check and see if theres any classes around me!
I love hot yoga! I do it every Friday and it's always great to start off my weekend with! XO
@lori- I definitely recommend trying hot yoga! It is a great workout and awesome relaxer for me!
@rebecca- that is awesome! the teacher I had the other day absolutely kick my butt but I love it!
@Royar- I never thought to start my weekends that way but I may have to start!
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