Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hey It's Ok...

What a week it has been. Anyone else totally counting down the hours until Friday?! My work schedule has been a little crazy this week and if there was a condition for being chronically tired I think I would have it. This week I have been frantically working on my final project for my internship as well as all the other work I complete during the week. I also finished this book!

This book is definitely not something I would normally read... but you know what they say, never judge a book by its cover! This was a great book that if I didn't have so much work I would not have put it down. I can't wait to start the second one!

Also another update- I always post products I newly become obsessed with from Trader Joes and I have found yet another...
If you have a Trader Joes near you, I highly suggest trying this amazing dish out! It was delicious!

Now time for the It's OKs of the week...

- To calculate from the time your gas light comes on and know exactly how many miles you have before you run out. (completely not smart but I'm so guilty)

- The only Christmas music I can bring myself to listen to is Michael Buble and I'm totally OK with it

- From being so busy this week, I have seriously neglected pinterest and it saddens me

- To write things you left off your To Do list just you can cross them off ( I do this constantly)

- Due to all the stress I've been feeling the past week my nail biting habit is out of control :/

- I may or may not be getting a spray tan before I go to Greenville this weekend

That's it for today but I hope everyone has a great day! Almost Friday!


Brianna Tucker said...

Michael Buble is the love of my life! My husband hates him for how much I love it and for our wedding he refused to play one of his songs but we compromised in playing a remake he did.

Also gas light.. gets me everytime. Husband swears one day he will not pick me up if i run out!!

follow me at

Rebecca said...

I'm so excited to read that book! It looks so good!

Shannon Marie said...

Since you blogged about both the Hunger Games & the Michael Buble Christmas album, I think I'll buy them both today! :) I just needed that little extra nudge to get make the purchase! Thanks!

Sarah said...

I alllways write things on my to do list just to cross them off! It is just so successful feeling!